• 硅谷
    掐架! ADP周二向竞争对手Zenefits发起诽谤诉讼 此文为HRTechChina编辑部编译, 欢迎个人转发分享。公众号,单位如需转载,请备注作者以及出处。如对HRTech方面有自己的见解、作品以及资讯,也欢迎大家投稿至tougao@hrtechchina.com   创业公司Zenefits目前获得巨大胜利,北加州地区的美国地方法院驳回了ADP的诉讼。根据和解条款,ADP 声明它相信 Zenefits 软件的安全性不存在问题,而Zenefits 则表明ADP 没有不道德的行为。   持续数月之久的官司最终以和解告一段落。这场争端始于 6月。有着50年历史的老牌公司ADP在6月份切断了Zenefits 小型企业客户使用ADP工资单系统,停止与Zenefits共享数据。ADP 指出它切断 Zenefits 是出于安全考虑:zenefits没有做好个人身份识别信息的保护工作,如社会保障号码。   作为反击,Zenefits 在其发布的一篇博客文章中指责 ADP 切断服务是因为他们推出了一款具有竞争性的产品。随后ADP 起诉 Zenefits 及其创始人康拉德 · 帕克,并在同一天推出一个名为 Opum 的服务和zenefits竞争。今年7月,Zenefits 称ADP 的诉讼无关紧要,并呼吁对方撤诉。曾经参与庭审的人员,如一个法官在 9月份说到 ADP 明显没有证据表明zenefits诽谤,以及唯一的问题是"诉讼将是缓慢的死亡还是快速的死亡"。   如今在法庭上,法官支持 Zenefits。   我们很高兴在法律上取得了胜利,不过相比之下,我们是更欣慰的是现在可以继续前进,专注于服务我们的小企业客户,"康拉德说在一次新闻发布会上说道,"有时,这可能意味着与 ADP竞争,而其他时候也可能意味着与 ADP 的合作。不管在什么情况下,我们(Zenefits)的目标始终致力于使HR管理这一辛苦的工作变得更轻松更少痛苦。   "双方争论的核心是指控质疑我们的道德和诚信,"ADP 在 给techcrunch 的一封电子邮件中如是说,"这些(诚信和道德)对ADP来说意义重大, 也是我们(企业)文化的核心。我们衷心希望 Zenefits能收回他们发表的毫无根据的公开声明。如果他们满足我们这一需求,我们会撤回诉讼。     ADP Drops Lawsuit Against Human Resources Startup Zenefits   The legacy payroll company ADP on Tuesday dropped its defamation lawsuit against its quickly growing competitor, Zenefits.   In a major victory for the startup, a U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California dismissed the lawsuit with prejudice. Per the terms of the settlement, ADP stated it has no reason to believe problems exist with the security of Zenefits software. Zenefits said on the record it had no reason to believe ADP is unethical.   The settlement brings a months-long legal battle to a close. The dispute began in June when ADP, a 50-year-old payroll company, cut off Zenefits small business clients who were sharing data with the cloud-based startup from ADP’s RUN payroll system. ADP stated that it blocked Zenefits due to security concerns because the company was not doing enough to protect personal identifying information, like Social Security Numbers.   Zenefits fired back with a blog post accusing ADP of cutting off the service because they were rolling out a competing product. ADP then sued Zenefits and its founder Parker Conrad, but on the same day launched a competing service called Opum. In July, Zenefits called ADP’s lawsuit frivolous and called for it to be dismissed. According to those in the courtroom, a judge in September said it was clear ADP had no defamation claim, and the only question was whether the “lawsuit will die a slow death or a fast death.”   Today in court, the judge sided with Zenefits.     “While we are gratified by this legal victory, we are more pleased that we now can move forward and focus on serving our small business customers,” Conrad said in a news release. “At times, this may mean competing with ADP, and at times, it may mean working with ADP. In either case, we at Zenefits are committed to making the hard work of administering HR as effortless and painless as possible.”   ADP said in a statement that the settlement would allow them to put the case with Zenefits behind them.   “At the core of our dispute were accusations that questioned our ethics and integrity,” ADP said in an email to TechCrunch. “These are meaningful values to ADP and core to our culture.  All we have ever wanted was for Zenefits to retract the baseless public statements they made.  We withdrew the lawsuit after Zenefits satisfied that demand.”   来源:TC
  • 硅谷
    最酷的CEO们是怎样工作的? 一家公司的CEO到底酷不酷?看看他的办公室就能知道。当然,很多酷公司的CEO并没有办公室,而是和员工一起在开放工位上办公。   但现在,新的办公风潮是,CEO不仅没有办公室,连固定工位都没有。据 Fortune 报道,众筹公司 Indiegogo 在旧金山有130位员工,包括实习生在内,每个人都有自己的工位——除了他们的CEO Slava Rubin。   他甚至都不把电脑带到公司,Rubin 在手机上处理公务,开会也都是很员工一边闲逛一边开。这让他能更好的了解公司里每个员工都在干什么,也方便他随时参与到员工的讨论中。   Rubin 并不是特例。Meetup.com、HubSpot 这两家公司的 CEO 也没有工位。HubSpot 的 CTO Dharmesh Shah 有自己的工位,但却经常要把自己的位置让出来给还没有获得工位的新员工坐。“这可以让公司的员工多了解我一点,比如我并不是一个只会在半夜给大家写邮件,在发布会的时候上台演讲的人。”他告诉 Fortune。   地图服务商 Mapbox 的高管也都没有工位,他们有时候在公司餐厅工作,有时候就在沙发上。他们的 CEO Eric Gundersen 表示,自己在哪里打开电脑哪里就是他的工位。 无工位办公并不是只是一种形式,而是真正能给公司的业务带来好处。前几周,Eric 听到几位员工在讨论解决卫星图片清晰度的问题,一位员工说他在一张照片上数清山坡上的羊。正好在前几天,Eric 坐到了公司销售员工附近,他了解到销售团队正在和新西兰一家地产商谈一个单子,于是他把这两个团队叫到了一起。   很快,在那个团队的帮助下,Mapbox 的销售团队在几个小时后就拿下了那个客户。作为 CEO,Eric 应该了解公司的一切,但如果每次都要开会才能知道进展,效率就会低很多。“如果你经常在员工里走动的话,有时候就会有这些运气。”他说。   来源:pingwest 作者:朱旭冬
  • 硅谷
    新加坡政府注资Coursera,C轮过后这家在线教育巨头总融资额达 1.46 亿美元 今年八月,国际在线教育巨头Coursera 获 4950 万美元 C 轮融资的消息。而近日,这一数字再一次被刷新,新加坡经济发展局投资有限公司(简称 EDBI)宣布参与 Coursera 的 C 轮融资。 虽然 EDBI 没有透露具体的投资金额,但消息称这笔资金的注入使得 Coursera 该轮总融资达到 6110 万美元,也就是说,如果没有其他投资方参与,新加坡政府此次大约投入了 1100 万美元左右。加上新一轮的融资,2012年 创立至今,这家美国创业公司的总融资额为 1.46 亿美元。   关于新加坡政府投资一家在线教育类互联网公司的理由,EDBI 的 CEO Chu Swee Yeok 在声明中表示:“EDBI 很乐意助力 Coursera 在新加坡地区的拓展计划,这也是新加坡政府打造优质、先进教育系统的关键一步。” 在去年引入前耶鲁大学校长Rick Levin担任新 CEO 以后,Coursera 的策略就瞄准了扩张市场,而亚洲将是 Coursera 的重要战场,因为平台上超过四分之一的用户来自这里,同时用户量还在快速增长。   除了 EDBI,CourseraC 轮的资方还包括 Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers、GSV Asset Management、International Finance Corporation、Learn Capital 及 Times Internet。   根据 Ambient Insight 的统计,2015年 在线教育的市场规模大约为 479 亿美元,在 2020年 预计会增长到 504 亿美元。在亚洲,该领域增长率最高的 9 个地区分别为老挝、泰国、柬埔寨、蒙古、缅甸、尼泊尔、斯里兰卡、越南和孟加拉国。   视线转向国内,沪江今日召开发布会宣布获 10 亿人民币 D 轮融资消息,借助这一轮融资,沪江的最新估值约为新东方市值的 40%。创始人阿诺还表示,沪江目前已完成股改工作,并做好了在国内上市的充分准备。   来源:36氪 ,作者:二水水
  • 硅谷
    在大公司,找同事吃饭要先约,Never Eat Alone 如果在一家大公司,人们通常每天会同一部门的相同一群人一起吃午饭。但是当你的饭友出差的时候,就只剩下电脑陪你吃饭了。据外媒报道,Never Eat Alone源自一个非常简单的想法,就是帮你找饭友,这想法看上去还挺有利可图的。   一家法国的初创公司没有选择去满大街找用户,而是直接选择了企业级用户,并向法国的大公司销售这款 APP。目前,已经有好几家公司支付了数万美元为员工们购买了这款 APP。当员工下载了这款 APP 之后,人们可以输入自己的信息和兴趣爱好。然后可以选择跟公司内部的某某某约个午饭。   这家公司的创始人兼 CEO Marie Schneegans 告诉了媒体这个想法的来源。她在UBS公司实习的时候想约见一下公司其他部门的同事,但是她并没有找到合适的方法。因此她开始通过邮件的方式和公司其他部门的同事约饭,没过多久她竟然约到了公司的 CEO。   其实,在公司管理者看来,他们希望员工之间增强交流沟通,互相可以学到新的知识,并且可以提升企业文化。从另一方面,这个需求不仅仅在公司内部适用。这也是一个大众化的需求,比如一些不喜欢孤独的人,周末一个人在家的时候可以通过这个 APP 约路人甲一起吃饭聊聊天。而对于吃货来说,凑几个人一起吃饭,还能多点几个菜,比一个人点几个菜吃不完强多了。国内类似的社交软件有请吃饭。   来源:36氪 ,作者:亦大成
  • 硅谷
    美国招聘网站Phenom People获得600万美元A轮融资 Phenom People成立于,总部位于美国霍舍姆。 该公司为一个招聘网站平台,他们通过传统的指纹和IP来收集用户的信息并且智能的匹配用户和工作的相关度。 本次领投的公司是Sierra Ventures。     Phenom People, A Customizable Job Application Service, Raises $6M It can seem at times that job application sites for companies are a black hole and impossible to navigate. That’s why Phenom People, a service that customizes company job search pages for individuals, wants to try to fix that experience.   The company, which said it raised $6 million in venture financing led by Sierra Ventures, basically keeps tabs on who is visiting a company’s application page — like what jobs they view and where they come in from — and builds custom job search pages for them. For example, if someone has viewed a couple of jobs for a marketing role, they might be shown other roles that they might not have thought of when they visit a second time.   “We collect [a lot of data] to understand candidate intent — why is this here, what is it looking for,” CEO Mahe Bayireddi said. “So every time they come back we give a unique experience based on previous behavior, intent and persona. It’s all so we can give them a unique employment value proposition based on what they’re looking for.”   Recruiters also use the service to find potential recruits that might be good fits, which isn’t necessarily obvious if recruiters are just paying attention to the applications coming in. If a potential recruit is coming back three or four times and browsing the site, it may show that they are more interested in the job than someone just simply applying for jobs point-blank, Bayireddi said.   Phenom People uses traditional fingerprinting and IP tools in order to understand who that person is and collect data on them. It then builds an interest graph of sorts for that person, customizing the page for a company’s application site on the spot.   Part of the justification for a service like this to exist, Bayireddi said, is that while there are other services for searching jobs like LinkedIn, many inevitably end up back on the company’s home job search page. They might not actually apply for a job there, but might be coming back to the site regularly from other kinds of job search services, which offers additional data. “The person can come from Google, look for a job, leave, and after 15 minutes come in from LinkedIn, and then leave, and then come in from Indeed,” he said. “People think it’s just from Indeed, but no, it’s multiple steps. They might even visit GlassDoor. Every track is basically managed by us to understand where they are coming from.”   So how is this different from a service like Greenhouse, or other job application services? Those services are simply backend systems that serve as a supply chain of sorts for recruiters, Bayireddi said. That, of course, doesn’t mean that they will always be that — if the market for something like this is as large as Bayireddi believes, it’s certainly in the realm of possibility that a company like other recruiting startups would begin doing something similar. And of course, there are ways to apply directly through LinkedIn, which might render a service like this moot.   This is Bayireddi’s first round of financing, but the company has been around for around four years, teaching him to basically run a lean an operation as a company can get. And that’s part of the reason the startup is going to remain in Philadelphia, as well, he said.   “That’s part of the unique nature of how we did it,” he said. “We primarily lean toward less costs, that’s a good attribution being in Philadelphia. We have no intention to move to Silicon Valley. Some of the funds asked us if you can move to Silicon Valley, our thought process is, ‘hey, we want to sit here because we want to build a community around here,’ and that’s important.”     来源:techcrunch.com
  • 硅谷
    在线人力资源服务平台Allay获得340万美金种子轮投资 Allay成立于2014年,总部位于旧金山。Allay为一家在线人力资源和福利平台网站。需要保险和福利的公司可以通过此在线平台可以完成无纸化劳动合同签订并为员工制定包括医保在内的多项保险服务。本次领投的公司为BlueCross BlueShield Venture Partners,以及Sandbox Industries, 500 Startups, Arnold Capital和多位独立天使投资人参投。 评语:看起来国外学习之风也是非常盛行啊~~都在学习zenefits Allay, a San Francisco-based HR management platform provider, raised $3.4m in seed funding. The round was led by BlueCross BlueShield Venture Partners with participation from Sandbox Industries, 500 Startups, AngelPad’s Thomas Korte, Ryan Holmes, Geoff Entress, Arnold Capital and others. The company intends to use the funds to expand in the U.S. health insurance market. Founded in 2014 by Julien Emery and Andrew Draper, Allay provides provides an HR platform which enables employers to onboard new hires, sign documents, select and enroll in the most relevant benefit plans for each individual and/or group, and provide HR and benefits administration and compliance. The solution can work with any broker that an employer wants. In addition, the company is also building out its own preferred partner broker network to ensure employers are getting trustworthy broker/advisors.
  • 硅谷
    Soild:助你实现自动化会议,把会议的作用发挥到极致 来源:猎云网 (编译:圈圈) Solid,一款全新的针对会议的产品;它能帮你处理会前、会中以及会后的所有问题。这款产品是由Wisembly的工作团队推出,Solid尤其适合小型会议和小公司。 “我们早前就有推出Solid的想法。在我们成立Wisembly时,就致力于为规模在10到15人的会议提供服务。”Wisembly的联合创始人Romain David告诉我说,“但是现在,我们还想为规模更小的公司解决开会问题。” 所以,Wisembly现在推出了两款不同的产品。一款是专为大公司服务的,而另一款就是Solid。这家法国公司并不是想把公司的重心转移到小公司这边,而只是单纯地想增加这项服务罢了。这家初创企业特意为这款产品取了个不同的名字,以免Wisembly的现有用户会搞不清楚状况。 “大多时候,人们不能为每场会议都做好充分准备,有时都没有时间为最后一场会议做好会议报告。”David说道。既然这样的话,那你要怎么做才能通过Solid实现自动化会议呢?第一步,登陆你的Google或者Office 365账户;这样Solid便会从你的日历上获取你所有会议日程的信息,而且它会自动忽略日历上记录的其它日程。 接下来,你就可以看看你最近的会议是在什么时候,提前为这些会议做好准备,并确认一下你已经准备了什么以及还有什么需要准备。下图就是Solid的主要界面: 你可以提前在Solid上增加目标和日程,每项议程项目都包括笔记,每条笔记里都能包括可行动项目。你可以通过拖放项目来给它们重新排序,排放顺序有其严格的逻辑结构。Solid是专为会议设计,所以它要比一份空的Word文件更具条理性。 一旦你开始开会,你就可以使用Solid上的笔记,并把文件添加上去;在这之后,就没你什么事了,你只需注意会议该什么时候结束。会议结束后,你可以把报告发送到Slack、Evernote或是邮箱里。当然,你的所有报告也可在Solid上使用。 最后,你可以审查一些关于你会议的文件,确认一下随着时间的推移,会议的效率有没有提高。目前,Solid只有免费的公测版本,但这家公司正在努力让它可适用于iOS应用上。 Source:TC Solid Automates Your Meetings To Get The Most Out Of Them Meet Solid, a brand new service to help you with your meetings, before, during and after they take place. Coming from the team behind Wisembly, Solid is perfect for smaller meetings and smaller companies.   “We’ve had the idea for Solid for a while. When we launched Wisembly, we were working on meetings with 10 or 15 people,” co-founder Romain David told me. “But we wanted to address smaller meetings in smaller companies.”   So Wisembly now works on two separate products — Wisembly for bigger companies, and Solid. The French company isn’t pivoting, it’s just adding a new additional service. The startup picked a different name to avoid the confusion for existing Wisembly users.   “Most of the time, people don’t prepare for meetings, and there is no meeting report from the last one,” David said. How do you automate meetings? First, you sign up using your Google or Office 365 account. Solid will fetch all your meetings from your calendar. Other events in your calendar will be ignored.   Then, you can see your upcoming meetings, work on them in advance, see what you’ve already done and more. Here’s the main interface of Solid: You can add goals and an agenda in advance. Each agenda item can contain notes. Each note can contain actionable items. You can reorder everything by dragging and dropping, and everything is organized in this rigid structure. Because it’s specifically made for meetings, it’s less daunting than an empty Word document.   Once you start the meeting, you can take notes, add documents and keep an eye on the clock. At the end of the meeting, you can export a report in Slack, Evernote or an email. And of course, all your reports stay available in Solid.   Finally, you can view some stats about your meetings to see if you’re becoming more efficient over time for example. For now, it’s a free public beta. The company is working on an iOS app.  
  • 硅谷
    XOCXO出了一款Howdy,办公机器人小秘书随便调戏 独角兽公司 Slack 大家都比较了解,在 2013年 的时候,有一家叫作XOCXO的公司做了一个和 Slack 相关联的产品 Lunch bot,帮助人们管理日常午餐的选择。   两年时间过去了,这家公司现在又有了新产品Howdy,是一款帮助管理日常工作的软件机器人。它可以自动管理人们的日程会议,在开会前检查会议成员的信息,并把信息反馈给 leader。   首先你要把 Howdy 装到你的 Slack 上,使用者可以通过说话的方式指挥这个机器人,你可以说 “开会啦”,这个机器人就会把组里的成员召集到一起。   现在 Howdy 还只能做一些基础的行政工作,不过 CEO Ben Brown 准备再出一个网页版,可以把程序做的更复杂一些。因为现在很多这类的管理软件基本都是让人们自己记一个备忘录,很容易忘,Brown 准备把 Howdy 做的更智能一点,使用者只需要问一下或者听一下,就好像自己有一个私人秘书一样,只不过这个秘书是在自己的手机里。   而且,如果你怕机器人秘书太无聊的话,Brown 请了一个很风趣的伙伴给 Howdy 专门设置语言风格,所以无聊的时候也可以调戏 Howdy 了。   除此之外,别的诸如此类的工具也开始接入 Slack 了,比如说像时间管理工具Trello,但是 Brown号称 Howdy 肯定能第一个打入市场,他们刚刚获得了 150 万美金的天使轮融资。   来源:36氪 ,作者:董雨晴
  • 硅谷
    陈一鸣 (Chade-Meng Tan 'Jolly Good Fellow' )10月31日正式从谷歌退休 说到Chade-Meng Tan 陈一鸣你可能不知道是谁,但是你看到这几张照片,你就知道他的故事了~~ 他是谷歌的107号员工,他的抬头是“jolly good fellow ” [caption id="attachment_9782" align="alignnone" width="600"] Chade-Meng Tan[/caption] 所有去谷歌的名人跟CEO合影不是必须的,而跟Chade-Meng Tan合影变得非常重要了,这样可以证明你是个名人·~:) 开个玩笑,大家可以去搜索下Chade-Meng Tan在谷歌的故事。 这是一位华人~:) 其在linkedin的自我介绍: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/chade-meng-tan/0/11b/bb7 “ I am a Google pioneer, an award-winning engineer, a New York Times bestselling author, a thought leader, and a philanthropist. My work has been nominated 7 times for the Nobel Peace Prize. I met three US Presidents. The Dalai Lama gave me hugs. I spoke at the White House, the UN and TED. Barack Obama said he remembered seeing me on the front page of the New York Times. I had dinner with President Jimmy Carter, drank tea with the King of Bhutan, and sat next to the Prince of Monaco at a movie. Mom said I made her proud. My career goal is to create the conditions for world peace in my lifetime. That's all. ”   Friday, October 23, 2015 Retiring from Google "Knock, knock." "Who's there?" "Not me anymore." Friends, I would like to let you know that I'm retiring from Google. A few months ago, after I celebrated my 15th anniversary as a Googler (which is my version of the "Google 15", since I never gained 15 pounds as a Googler), and as I looked forward to an impending 45th birthday (yes, I am that old, dammit), it occurred to me that I don't have that many years left and I really need to focus on my two most important priorities: mastering inner peace, and creating the conditions for world peace in my lifetime.  Therefore, there are two things I urgently need to give more of my time to.  The first is my meditation practice; I need the practice (3 hours a day, at least) to work towards mastery of mind.  The second is to devote more of my time to the two charities I help lead, both of which have the potential to create the conditions for world peace in one lifetime.  One is the One Billion Acts of Peace campaign, which has the potential to spark a massive global movement to solve the biggest problems facing humanity.  The other is the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute (SIYLI, pronounced "silly"), which has the potential to massively scale inner peace, inner joy and compassion worldwide.  I can't think of any work more important for me to do, and given the finite time I have left, I want to devote most of my time to these two priorities.  In a sense, I'm following the example of one of my greatest heroes, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who meditates for 4 hours a day and spends most of the rest of his time benefiting humanity.  I feel like I can only do a small fraction of what he does, but he inspires me to take this path.  After a lot of careful consideration, I came to the conclusion that now is the time for me to make this major decision. Of course, this decision is bitter-sweet for me.  I'm excited by the opportunity to spend my time and energy on my most important priorities, but at the same time, it is very hard to leave Google.  I absolutely love Google.  I love the company, I love the culture, I love being a Googler and, most of all, I love my fellow Googlers.  I'm tremendously grateful to Larry and Sergey for hiring me (and then forgetting to fire me for 15 whole years), to Eric for being a friend and role model, to the all wonderful people I've worked with (way too many to name individually), and to my string of great managers, especially my current manager, Karen May, the best manager I've ever had.  To all of you who had the misfortune of being my boss, so sorry, and thank you.  And to all my co-workers: you are all amazing, and I'm so going to miss you. My last day at Google will be 31st October 2015, a few days after I turn 45. Frequently Answered Questions Q: Why do you need to meditate for 3 hours a day? A: In a way, I see myself as the meditation equivalent of a full time musician, artist or athlete, who should primarily be practicing for hours a day.  I think the minimum practice time for a full time musician or artist or athlete or meditator should be 3 hours a day.  Specifically, I will be working towards mastering a meditation practice known as Jhana, which culminates in the perfection of serenity, concentration and joy.  In that sense, I'm going pro. Q: Why are One Billion Acts of Peace and SIYLI so important to you? A: One Billion Acts of Peace is a campaign designed to solve the biggest problems facing humanity, such as hunger, poverty, oppression, injustice, and environmental destruction.  Those problems are so big that the only way to solve them is to galvanize all the citizens of the world to work together.  One Billion Acts of Peace has the potential to spark that massive global movement.  We already have the active involvement of 14 Nobel Peace laureates and hundreds of volunteers, inspired 6.6 million acts of peace from more than a million people, gained the support of some giants in the corporate world such as Google and Wells Fargo, and 7 Nobel Peace laureates (led by Archbishop Desmond Tutu) have nominated us for the Nobel Peace Prize.  AND, we are only just getting started!  While Billion Acts focuses on action for the world, SIYLI takes a complimentary approach of spreading inner peace, inner joy and compassion worldwide.  SIYLI's vision is, "Every leader in the world is wise and compassionate, thus creating the conditions for world peace."  It does so, for example, by delivering the Search Inside Yourself course worldwide, including in organizations such as Google and the United Nations.  Search Inside Yourself has been endorsed by the Dalai Lama, former President Jimmy Carter, and many other top global leaders.  In its short existence, SIYLI has already deeply touched the lives of many thousands of people.  Either one of the two approaches has the potential to create the conditions for world peace in one lifetime.  Combined, boom!  I really can't think of anything more important I should be doing, besides meditating for 3 hours a day. Q: What do you do for those charities? A: I'm Chairman of SIYLI and Co-Chair of One Billion Acts of Peace.  In both roles, I expect to continue to live this famous Gandhi quote: "There they go. I must run and catch up with them, because I am their leader!" Q: Shall I donate lots of money to those charities? A: Yes. Q: Are you sad to leave Google? A: Yes, very much so.  When I made the decision to retire, it felt like the most logical thing in the world to do.  But after I informed my manager Karen May of the decision (she is sad, but very understanding and supportive) and started putting things in motion, I started becoming very sad.  Being a Googler has been an integral part of me for 15 years, and I feel that part of me is dying.  While struggling with that sadness, I made another important decision: I decided not to die as a Googler.  If I do not die as a Googler, then my leaving Google is absolutely unavoidable, it is just a matter of time, and therefore, this sadness that I experience is also totally unavoidable, it is just a matter of time.  Since it is entirely a matter of time, I decided it should be at the most logical time, which is now. Q: Does turning 45 have anything to do with it? A: Actually, yes.  There is a part of me who thinks that retiring on or a few days after my 45th birthday is kinda cool.  :)  Plus, the older I get, the more keenly aware I am of my mortality and the importance of fulfilling my mission while I'm still alive (because after I die, it gets harder for me to do stuff). Q: What are you going to do with all that free time? A: I don't expect to have very much free time at all.  Between 3 hours a day of meditation, One Billion Acts of Peace, SIYLI, working on my next book (currently planned for publication in May 2016), plus my other responsibilities (including being Adjunct Professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and advisor to various startups), there's not going to be a lot of free time left.  I plan for most or all of my free time to go to my family.  I hope someday to have lots of actual free time, before I die. at 8:47 AM
  • 硅谷
    号称全球最智能的办公楼Edge,据说能记录员工的一切信息 阿姆斯特丹有一栋智能办公楼Edge,号称世界上最环保智能的大楼,是建筑公司 OVG 打造的,不过这栋楼的核心智能技术是由德勤开发的手机 APP,它能记录每个人的资料,员工的家在哪儿,开什么车,甚至爱喝什么口味的咖啡,从你早上醒来,就跟这栋大楼连接了。   说 Edge 最智能最环保,因为它的功能实在是太强大。远不止智能 APP 这么简单,它打造了一个全新的工作形式和环境,在 Edge 员工没有固定的座位,2500 人分享 1000 个座位,APP 会针对员工一天的行程来安排,是需要安静的不被打扰的座位,还是开放的相对自然的座位,找到合适的地方后,它会根据员工对光线和温度的偏好调节周围环境。   大楼用的是 LED 面板,耗电量很低,面板上搭载了 2.8 万个感测器,所以能够侦测动作、温度、灯光、红外线等,Edge 的用电量基本是普通大楼的七成,它的太阳能发电量甚至比用电量还要多。 每层楼之间有网状隔板,会将楼层内的废气排到中庭,然后顺着天花板排到室外,所以楼里会一直有新鲜的流通空气。即使是阴雨天,Edge 也能通过调节灯光和玻璃的角度让室内保持明亮。   Edge 大楼的停车场后面有一个混凝土集水区,会积攒一些自然雨水,用于厕所和花园使用,说到花园,这栋楼肯定少不了自然生态系统,大楼北边有一个生态乐园,OVG 为这些动植物搭建了随四季变换的植被带,吸引并且供养了一群城市中有益的昆虫。   放心,老板看不见员工的个人隐私,不会知道大家一年缺了多少次会议,这一点德勤还是向员工们保证了的,德勤秉持 10年 之内能回本的投资都是值得的,他们在 Edge 上的投资预计 8.3年 回本。   来源:36氪,作者:等雨停