• 硅谷
    大数据服务平台Cazena获2000万美元B轮融资 Cazena,一家帮助企业处理数据的新平台,今天宣布已获2000万美元B轮融资,融资由Formation 8领投。其他的投资方包括Andreessen Horowitz和North Bridge Venture Partners,他们也参与了去年十月Cazena800万美元的A轮融资。   Cazena由部分Netezza的前任员工创办,Prat Moghe是公司的领头人。2010年Netezza被IBM收购时,他担任数据监察部门总经理,收购后,任职高级副总裁,负责产品、战略和市场营销。   在IBM干了一段时间后,Moghe觉得是时候用新的视角来解决Netezza曾遭遇的一些问题了。“在看到企业都是如何同全新的大数据堆栈(如Hadoop,一种分布式系统基础架构)挣扎较劲的情况下,我们开始思考下一个十年数据处理的前景,”他说道。“每一个企业,尤其是中大型企业,都在积极寻找着能提高进程灵敏度的云方法,但是现有平台的复杂性和安全问题是很大的障碍。”   Cazena 的目标是极大简化商业中的大数据进程处理。Moghe设想,最终的理想状态是,使用Cazena时只需点三下,就能设置好数据处理工作(当然现阶段还有一些问题需要解决)。 这项服务通过自动搜寻到,处理设定数据组的分析技术方案,从而解决掉处理的复杂性。接下来,它会替客户自动的规定、优化和管理工作流程,无论是Hadoop、Spark、MPP还是SQL9(如Amazon Redshift)类型的结构。   根据你的工作量和其他标准,如价格或是你想要获得结果的速度,Cazena会为你提供适当的基础结构,然后全程关注进度。“最终,数据即服务成为一个新的分类,我们希望能助企业一臂之力,让他们用好云计算。”   Cazena花费了约两年的时间,才公开他们的新产品。但Moghe说,公司尚在和一小部分大型企业合作,进行β测试,现在还没有达到完全开放服务的阶段。   当准备就绪的时候,Cazena会使用相对特别的定价计划。Moghe说,计划是针对服务,包括所有的云计算成本、支持和SLA开销,收取单一费用。他认为,目前针对云处理的收费系统,如gigabyte、note,对企业而言结果都太难预测。   公司的这一轮融资资金,将会用于技术开发、销售推广和合作伙伴建设。   Cazena Raises $20M Series B For Its Enterprise Big Data-As-A-Service Platform Cazena, a new platform that wants to make it easier for enterprises to process their data, today announced that it has raised a $20 million Series B round led by Formation 8. Other participants include Andreessen Horowitz and North Bridge Venture Partners, who both also participated in the company’s $8 million series A round last October.   Cazena was founded by a number of former Netezza employees and is now led by Prat Moghe, who was Netezza’s general manager for data compliance before its acquisition by IBM in 2010. He then became the senior vice president for strategy, product and marketing at Netezza under IBM’s ownership.   After a few years at IBM, Moghe decided that it was time to look at some of the problems Netezza was trying to solve from a fresh perspective. “We started thinking about the next decade of data processing and how enterprises are struggling with the new big data stacks like Hadoop,” he told us. “Every enterprise — and particular the medium to large enterprises — they were actively looking at the cloud to speed up the agility of processing. But they were being held back by the complexity and security issues [of the existing platforms].” Cazena aims to greatly simplify big data processing for businesses. Ideally, it should only take three clicks to set up a data processing job with Cazena, Moghe believes (though in reality, it’s still a bit more involved right now). The service strips away the complexities by trying to automatically figure out what technology to use to analyze a given set of data. It then automatically provisions, optimizes and manages that workflow for its customers, no matter whether it’s a Hadoop, Spark or MPP SQL (think Amazon Redshift) job. Depending on your workload and other criteria like price or how fast you need the results, Cazena will provision the right infrastructure for you and then take care of the processing. “Ultimately, data as a service is a new category and we want to help big enterprises get into the cloud,” Moghe said.   It took the Cazena about two years to get to this point where it’s openly talking about the new product. But while Moghe told me that the company is already running some beta tests with a small number of large companies, Cazena isn’t quite ready to open up its service to all yet.   Once it does launch, though, it will do so with a relatively unusual pricing plan. Moghe tells me that the plan is to charge a single fee for the service that will include all of the cloud costs, support and an SLA. He argues that current cloud processing systems that charge by gigabyte or node are too unpredictable for enterprises.   The new funding the company announced today will go toward building out the company’s technology, sales force and partnerships.   来源:tc
  • 硅谷
    【印度】Avaamo:想解决“企业使用WhatsApp不够安全”这个问题 在成为创业者之前,Ram Menon和SriramChakravarthy都供职于TIBCO,这是一家企业通信软件企业。在TIBCO工作的那段时间里,他们开发了一个名叫TIbbr的企业通信应用,这个应用成为了Yammer和Chatter的主要竞争对手。这段经验让他们了解到了人们在工作中对于通信应用的需求。目前工作通信软件最大的问题之一,就是大多数这类软件都是基于桌面型电脑所开发的。当人们希望在移动设备上使用这些软件的时候,总是会陷入许多麻烦。在过去的五年里,这两位创业者一直在想办法解决这个问题,于是他们成立了Avaamo这家企业。   Chakravarthy在接受采访的时候表示:“在看到消费通讯应用的趋势之后,我们意识到移动应用的最大价值在于其简洁性。”站在普通用户的角度来看,Chakravarthy和Menon最大的贡献,就是让应用下载变得极其快速,而且还大大降低了用户的使用学习成本,缩短了用户之间在进行沟通的时候所需要的时间。而站在企业的角度来看,这个产品最大的优势则在于其安全性和数据的隐秘性。   Chakravarthy以一家总部位于班加罗尔的企业举了个例子。这家企业在于地产经纪公司沟通的时候,一直在使用WhatsApp这个应用的群组聊天功能。然而这个群组并非安全群组,也不会合适群组成员的真实身份。加入群组内的某一个人某一天离职,而群组管理人忘记将其移除群组,那么公司的许多私密信息就很有可能泄露出去,从而对企业的数据安全造成威胁。   Chakravarthy和Menon决定彻底解决这个问题,于是他们在2014年成立了Avaamo。这家在印度和硅谷都有办公司的初创企业为企业提供了一种安全并且便于监管的通信应用。这个应用分为免费版和付费版,企业可以根据自己的需求来选择。   免费版的Avaamo与WhatsApp非常类似,用户可以添加群组成员,并且发送无限量的消息。而付费版则提供了数据保护功能,它可以自动移除已离职成员,群组管理员也可以手动管理成员。为了方便管理,企业管理者还可以安装Avaamo的网页版应用,并且使用其中的控制面板来更加快速的管理聊天组成员。付费版的价格由企业的员工数量所决定。   Chakravarthy表示:“这个应用有着非常方便的控制机制,企业可以随时对聊天成员进行管理,避免数据出现泄漏。”   WhatsApp isn’t safe enough for business messaging; Avaamo fills the gap Before turning entrepreneurs, Ram Menon and Sriram Chakravarthy worked for TIBCO, an enterprise communication software company. During their stint there, they built a product called Tibbr, an enterprise communication app that competed with Yammer and Chatter. This gave them a first-hand experience in understanding how people use communication apps in their professional lives. A clear drawback was that these apps were primarily desktop based. The apps did not have the elements of ease that people look for while communicating on mobile. This became more apparent as Menon and Chakravarthy noticed the big shift to mobile in the last five years. That inspired the duo to co-found Avaamo. “After seeing the trends in consumer messaging apps, we realized that there was an inherent value proposition in the simplicity of mobile apps,” Chakravarthy tellsTech in Asia. The main points that Chakravarthy and Menon worked on, from the consumer point of view, were how quickly the app could be downloaded, how easily it could be maneuvered, and how to ensure minimum response time during communication. From an enterprise point of view, the main elements were security and data privacy. Chakravarthy cites the example of a real estate company in Bangalore which uses WhatsApp to communicate with the real estate agents through groups. These are not secure groups in terms of assessing the identity of the members. In the case where a member has left the company, an admin might not necessarily have remembered to remove him from the group. A lot of private and confidential information is exchanged in these groups and without centralized monitoring of members, the company might be compromising on its security and data privacy. Eureka Menon and Chakravarthy decided to tackle these challenges and incorporated Avaamo in 2014. The India-Silicon Valley based startup, provides enterprises a secure and an easily supervisable communication app. The app has both free as well as paid versions. The free one works like Whatsapp and the user can add members and send unlimited messages. The paid version provides data compliance, automated user on & off boarding, broadcast to company users, support and administrator control. An enterprise administrator can install the Avaamo web app and control messaging and communication through a dashboard. The pricing for the premium app is for enterprises and varies with the size of the enterprise and number of employees AN administrator can create a list of members, monitor the daily user activity on the app, and manage the groups. The groups can be predefined for departments and can also be created by employees according to their convenience. An employee can download the free version and keep in touch with the company for their daily tasks. The administrator can decide the amount of time to keep the data before it gets deleted automatically. “The app has fine-grained controls that will ensure that only the right people join,” says Chakravarthy. For the mobile employees There are several applications available to companies for enterprise communication in India. Skype for Business, Slack, and Flowdock, among many others, address the problem of being in touch with employees across all offices and branches a company might have. When asked about the well-rooted competition, Chakravarthy said, “These apps are great, but for the desk-bound employees. But for example, in an insurance company, if the manager wants to get in touch with an agent riding a moped on a hill in Shillong, he can’t reach him with Slack, because the agent is on WhatsApp.” According to Chakravarthy, people using their mobile phones 70 percent of the day lack an enterprise grade communication system that is easy to use. “Avaamo bridges this gap in an under-served market,” he claims. Avaamo has 7,000 companies on board out of which, 3,000 are Indian companies – mostly insurance companies, pharmaceuticals, and banks. “We focus on companies that have more employees on their mobile phones and provide a secure and easy communication platform on cheap Android phones,” adds Chakravarthy. Messaging 3.0 “SMS was 1.0; Whatsapp, WeChat,and Line were 2.0; and we would like to think of ourselves as 3.0,” says Chakravarthy. Recently, Avaamo introduced a ‘Smart Card’ as the latest addition to their app. Smart Cards are broadcast cards that allow sending out aggregated information to the members of a group on the app. For example, the sales growth in a certain period of time can be sent out in the form of a card to employees. It can also be sent out as surveys for feedback or as a letter from the CEO. The employees can read it, reply, or ask for clarifications. “The read rates on HR surveys and letters are more than often under 10 percent and this feature will help them know how many employees are looking at the information on the card and responding. They can then take steps to improve the engagement rate,” says Chakravarthy. The app also makes it possible to check-in so that the employee can be located on the map. Take an ATM servicing company, for example. It is necessary to know where their employees are so that they can promptly deal with any ATM-related issues by assigning the task to an employee in the vicinity of the ATM. Chakravarthy believes that Avaamo is taking everyday business processes and making them mobile-ready. The big hurdles before Avaamo in the way of further expansion in India as well as rest of Asia, in terms of communicating their product, is the bandwidth and battery. In India, people are concerned about keeping their phone alive and using their data cost-consciously. Also, the 3G infrastructure of India is less reliable compared to the other countries. Avaamo sees this as its main challenge. The startup believes in the concept of information velocity. This concept deals with the speed at which messages are sent and ensures a short response time during conversations. To tackle fluctuating internet connection, Avaamo introduced its “fire and forget” feature, which ensures that the message that has been sent from a phone reaches the recipient irrespective of whether the sender has stable data or not. Avaamo is a team of 40 based in both India and Silicon Valley. Menon is CEO and Chakravarthy is CTO at the startup. Even though the business has a global focus, Avaamo is currently seeing an unexpected yet welcome increase in customer traction in India. It has now set up a sales team focusing on increasing its customer base here. In October of last year, the startup raised US$6.3 million in seed funding from WI Harper group, with participation from Streamlined Ventures, Rembrandt Ventures, Ovo Fund and Eleven Two Capital.   来源:Tech in Asia
  • 硅谷
    YC孵化企业CareLedger希望为员工提供免费医疗 今日,数字医疗创业公司CareLedger从美国创业孵化器Y Combinator毕业,将为世界各地工作者提供免费、高品质的医疗服务。   这可是个不小的壮举。美国拥有全世界最昂贵又最低效的医疗服务系统,医疗开销比其他国家高出成千上万美元。而根据国际卫生机构(International Health Policy)的调查结果,美国的医疗效果和质量却差强人意。   有很多组织都在为了降低医疗保健开销而努力着,从Y Combinator孵化出的另一企业SimplyInsured打算通过分析成千上万的保险计划,从而降低医疗开销,向企业员工提供最佳的报销利率。新型医保公司Oscar Health通过技术手段向用户提供免费服务。不管怎样,医疗质量才是关键。   CareLedger的推荐服务使用了一种略为不同的方法——进行价格比较。这种做法的目的是,在雇主医保可承受的价格范围内,选出最好的服务再进行推荐。   CareLedger的联合创始人Oliver Takach说,雇主只有在开销确实降低的情况下,才用向我们付费。 举个例子,一项结肠镜检查开销可能在1000-1500美元。CareLedger会在1500美元的范围内找到评级好的医生,或是在雇主医保预算限额内的医生。公司承诺会给工作者们免费的医疗帮助,包括没有免配额、没有自付率或是共同支付项目。   CareLedger会根据你的地理位置、方便程度,从资料名单里选择医生,然后预约诊疗。CareLedger并不会在服务完毕后发送账单,所有的医疗援助也应该是免费的。   这个想法让人难以置信:针对工薪阶层的免费品质医保!与此同时,Walmart,“永远最低价”的连锁超市,也试着用同样的方式向人们提供优惠的医疗保健和免费服务。   GE and Lowe’s也在所谓的“卓越中心(Centers of Excellence)”计划下,免费提供特定手术,如髋关节和膝关节置换手术的费用报销。   “CareLedger做的也是‘卓越中心’这样的计划,但是不用你奔波去完成手续和测试。”联合创始人Oliver Takach说道。   “CareLedger也能从免费流程中获得报酬,但雇主们只在我们公司把员工但医疗费用较低到一定程度时才用付费。这既节省了员工的费用,也免去了雇主可能面临的昂贵开销。”   “你可以看到平均价格,某个地区单个流程的固定价格,然后再是我们的价格,也是你实际要支付的价格。不同之处在于,我们的百分比是不一样的。雇主不用向我们付费,除非我们的确帮助他降低了费用。”Takach说。   CareLedher声称,在超过600项步骤和检测中,平均可以节省高达50%的费用。   来源:TC
  • 硅谷
    客户体验管理平台Medallia获1.5亿美元融资 提供客户体验管理云服务(SaaS)的Medallia刚刚获得了红杉资本的1.5亿美元融资,估值已达12.5亿美元。   Medallia是一家提供客户体验管理软件即服务(SaaS)的初创企业,成立于2001年,总部位于Palo Alto,现有员工700人。   客户关系管理(CRM)与客户体验管理(CEM)都是与客户打交道的平台,所不同的是前者主要负责前期跟踪和管理销售交互,而后者则是在售后对客户数据进行分析以提供更好的服务。   Medallia的SaaS CEM平台可以从web(网上评论)、社交媒体、移动以及联络中心收集客户反馈,对收集到的数据进行实时分析并采取行动,从而改善客户体验、提高客户忠诚度、留存率并推动收入增长。与竞争对手相比,Medallia 的Insights服务是其差异化优势,该洞察服务可以在客户遇到问题时提供实时分析。   Medallia的服务主要针对6个行业,其中包括零售、金融服务、酒店、电信、汽车以及B2B提供商。Verizon、Macy’s、Sephora、SAP、Honeywell、富国银行、索尼、Four Seasons、Sodexo及梅赛德斯等均是它的客户。   跟前几轮一样,这次的融资仍由红杉资本领投(尽管成立很早,但Medallia直到2011年才开始第一轮融资),所得融资将用于新功能开发并进行市场扩张。此轮过后,Medallia的总融资额已达2.55亿美元,下一步应该就是IPO了。   Medallia Raises $150 Million in Equity Financing to Continue Rapid Growth PALO ALTO, Calif., July 21, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Medallia®, a leading SaaS provider of Customer Experience Management (CEM) solutions, today announced that it has raised $150 million in growth equity capital in a round led by Sequoia Capital. This new investment follows a period of rapid growth, during which Medallia welcomed a number of additional large enterprise customers to its client base, substantially grew revenue, launched partnerships with several prominent professional services firms and expanded its global operating footprint. "Consumers are increasingly making purchase decisions based on customer experience data like online reviews and social media feedback rather than pre-existing brand recognition. To deliver consistently great experiences, leading companies are shifting from merely collecting customer feedback to engaging with consumers and embedding their feedback directly into operations," said Borge Hald, CEO and co-founder of Medallia. "Our recent round of funding is an important step in our journey to build customer experience into the DNA of the world's companies and change the way they operate."   Medallia first raised venture funding in late 2011, and has now raised a total of $255 million. The company plans to use this most recent investment in a two-pronged plan to further enhance its operations, with a focus on:   Developing additional new product capabilities and tools; and Expanding its operating footprint in major markets, building on a global team that has doubled in size to over 700 employees in the past 18 months.   "Medallia is helping the world's top brands increase loyalty, grow their businesses, and deliver unforgettable customer experiences," said Douglas Leone, Medallia board member and Sequoia Capital partner. "Their rocketing growth will only continue as more companies recognize that in today's age, effectively managing the customer experience is no longer a choice. It's a win-or-lose necessity."   This funding builds on a number of milestones during recent months. Medallia has: Allied with leading global system integrators and customer experience experts, including J.D. Power and Appirio, that have launched implementation and program management practices for the Medallia platform; Welcomed companies, including SAP, Mazda and DIRECTV, to its client base, joining such customer experience leaders as Four Seasons and Zurich Insurance Group; Added seasoned industry veterans to its board of directors, including LinkedIn and Palo Alto Networks board member and audit committee chair Stan Meresman, and former Netflix CMO Leslie Kilgore; and Appointed proven financial leader and former Polycom CFO Mike Kourey as CFO.   About Medallia Medallia® is the Customer Experience Management company that is trusted by hundreds of the world's leading brands. Medallia's Software-as-a-Service application enables companies to capture customer feedback everywhere the customer is (including web, social, mobile, and contact center channels), understand it in real time, and deliver insights and action everywhere—from the C-suite to the frontline—to improve their performance. Founded in 2001, Medallia has offices in Silicon Valley, New York, London, Paris, Hong Kong, Sydney and Buenos Aires. Learn more at www.Medallia.com.   来源:prnewswire Logo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130314/SF76927LOGO
  • 硅谷
    关于如何建立企业文化,这里有前Facebook高管提供的几点干货 本文由田源和舒展撰写,由@阿古逮得勿润色和矫正,由@覃超整理定稿。   本文讲下硅谷创业公司的文化,去过硅谷公司或者是看过硅谷公司报道的人,都会惊讶硅谷创业公司里面有如此奇特且活力十足的文化。在中国,企业文化是一个被滥用但是却又缺乏解读的概念,很多国内企业对保持公司的文化显得有心无力,甚至一些草根的创业者直接觉得这东西虚无缥缈,毫无用处。   到底企业的文化是否有用?如果你的企业是 To VC 的,做一笔生意赚一笔快钱马上退出,那企业文化有没有都无所谓。但是,一个企业要做大,肯定是要有自己独特的文化。   那么企业的文化究竟应该如何建立呢? 我们来看Facebook是怎么做的 很多人可能误以为Facebook的企业文化是与生俱来,或者是在公司发展中自然产生的,其实不然,一切都是Facebook高层精心设计的结果。Facebook在发展过程中也碰到没有文化,制度很乱的问题。我们来看 Molly Graham 是如何来解决这个问题的。(注:Molly之前一直是Facebook的engineering director;去年跳到 Quip 当 COO)   当Molly Graham在2008年加入Facebook的时候,整个公司显得比较杂乱。当时Facebook拥有400名员工,但却需要服务八千万用户,所有人都忙着“赶G超A,除旧立新”, 一场企业内部的整风运动势在必行。而这正是Molly Graham的工作,她不仅要为Facebook讲一个为世人津津乐道的故事,还要在公司内部为大家树立一个共同的愿景。   为此,她提出了两个重要问题: 在做大做强之后,我们要成为一家怎样的公司? 我们如何告诉外界在Facebook工作是怎样的一番体验?   从那时开始,这两个问题在Facebook内部掀起了广泛的讨论,最终,他们决定用“黑客”来作为自己的标签。“黑客”让Facebook显得卓尔不群,它标志着Facebook始终拥有着最先进的生产力, 旨在通过不断的创新和实验来拉进世界的距离。   对Facebook和Graham而言, 企业文化意味着保持企业建立时的初心,并在高速成长期为员工提供保持创新的动力。为此,她动员了一切可以动员的力量,广泛听取员工们的意见,尤其是老员工的意见。她要老员工们用一个词来形容Facebook,出乎她意料的是,居然没人提到“黑客”! 由于担心“Hacker”(黑客)这个词显得不够高大上,公司一度避免使用它。 但是用来替代它的“创业家”等词语又不够给力,所幸在接下来的两年时间里, 员工们逐渐习惯了以“Hacker”自居。今天Facebook所在的街道就叫做“Hacker Way”,而公司的中心就叫做“Hack Square”。 关于如何尽早地制定企业文化, Graham给广大创业者们提供了以下几点干货 (部分引用First Round的文章:80% of Your Culture is Your Founder )   1、公司的文化取决于创始人的气质和牛逼程度 企业文化的80%源自其核心领导人。一家公司往往与其创始人极为相似,从它的个性、强项以及弱点里,你都能看到其创始人的影子。   作为创业者,在建立企业文化之前,你首先得认清你自己。如果你不是创始人,那你就得好好地研究你的CEO以及公司里的老员工。一个狼性的创始人,往往会带出一个狼性的公司,例如任正非和华为;一个喜欢艺术和设计的创始人,他所创的公司往往也以其工业设计而著称,例如乔布斯和苹果;而如果创始人优柔寡断,公司就容易错过发展的关键契机而逐渐被淘汰。所以自我认知是建立企业文化的第一步。   在自我认知的过程中,创始人应该考虑以下几个问题: 我的强项是什么? 我在哪些事情上特别牛逼? 我在哪些方面做得特别突出过人? 我的朋友们都有哪些相似之处? 别人身上的哪些东西让我觉得特别傻逼? 我是怎样做出好决定的? 我在哪些方面做得还不够好?   回答这些问题,将会直接帮助你制定公司的企业文化。越早分析出你过人的方面,包括技能、态度等,你就能越早地将它们运用到商业实战中。同样, 朋友们身上的那些你所欣赏的优点,将会在招聘的过程中让你有的放矢。你可以问自己:我怎样才能在其他人身上发现这些优点?或者你也可以直接淘汰掉那些具有你认为的“傻逼特质”的人,然后聘用剩下的。   知道自己的不足是制定企业文化和招聘过程中不可或缺的一环。如果你觉得自己不善用人,那你就应该雇佣一个知人善任的人。对于你的任何缺点,你都应该想方设法找相应的人才来弥补。   如果现在你的公司还很小,你又没有时间和精力来经营企业文化的话,那么就抽时间把以上几个问题的答案写下来,等到实际成熟时再把它们拿出来使用。   2、定义和反复强调企业的文化 到现在你应该有了一系列描述你公司个性的词汇,明确了公司的长处和短处,需要改进的地方,以及你所青睐的人才类型。那接下来你要如何利用它们来指导公司的发展呢?   亚马逊开发产品的策略是在作出产品原型之前就把媒体发布会的报告写好,因此他们从一开始就明确在产品发布时应该传达怎样的信息,以及如何向公众解释这款产品。类似的,就企业文化而言,你现在就应该思考两年后你希望媒体如何报道你的企业文化。当公司还小的时候,公司的重心永远在产品上,但是长远来看,强大的团队和文化也是做出伟大产品的重要元素。静下心来,写下你的故事以及你的价值观,想想你希望人们怎么描述你的公司?   这些个性的词汇将会在公司的方方面面都会被用到,特别是在招聘的时候,它将出现在每一个职位描述上。当你写职位描述的时候,你的脑海里应该只有那个唯一的百分之百合适的人选,你应该让其他所有不合适的人明白,这不是他们想要的工作。同样的道理,一个经过仔细推敲的、具体的、富有争议的故事,能帮助你避开那些所有不应该被雇佣的人,帮助你平息每一场争论。   这样的故事并不需要很长,几句话都可以。但是它要清楚地表达出你的公司是什么,不是什么。同时,它还要能被用于各种场合去重申你公司的价值和情怀。   在Facebook成长的初期,马克·扎克伯格就微软、苹果等公司在早期是如何建立企业文化的问题,征求了各位CEO的意见。他得到的最好的建议之一就是:列一个简洁的单子,告诉别人成为我们之中的一员意味着什么。十分钟之后,他给出了这样的一个单子: 高智商 目的性强 对成功的持续专注 侵略性和竞争性 高标准、高要求、完美主义 热爱改变和革新 有让东西变得更好的新点子 正直 与优秀的人相处 做真正有价值的事而不是自以为是   马克·扎克伯格在2006年列出了这个单子,然后在2009年再次把它拿出来,帮助Graham与全公司一起重写了Facebook 的文化。Graham看到这张单子的时候不禁为之动容,因为它不仅准确地描述了Facebook的早期文化,还是马克扎克伯格自己的真实写照。这张单子同Paul Buchheit的博客一起,奠定了Facebook 的文化和哲学。   于是从这些基本的价值观出发,Facebook“自主研发”了很多新奇酷炫的口号,把它们写在公司blog里,印在公司T-shirt上, 还有做成好看的海报帖在公司的每一个角落: 公司墙面和T-shirt上经常会出现的宣传语 公司专门聘请艺术家来给公司作画,看到旁边的相机了吗?每半分钟拍一张照片。为什么要拍照片呢?所有照片制作成视频,用来讲述这幅卡通墙画是如何诞生的,进而来展示公司文化的建设过程。这个视频会被放到公司的招聘页面,也会被用于其他媒体(TechCrunch,VentureBeat,etc)的Facebook报道文章里。所以,这一切都是精心策划和精心设计的结果。   3、对于国内创业者的建议 对于国内创业者,请把公司文化的建设当做一个很正经很有实际意义的事情去做,不要只限于口头,或者是招聘文案,或者是公司公众号的软文里面。   Facebook给我的印象,很多时候是不惜血本地建设企业文化,而且把文化在公司的建筑、活动,还有公司产品的点点滴滴里去融入。比如: 公司前年发的小册子,里面说了公司的使命,以及成立以来的各种轶事 Team offsite团建活动中甜品上画的是 Messenger 里最新发布的Sticker图标;看,有pusheen猫! 2014年过年时候,PR部门来秀中文了 园区各种古灵精怪的宠物   最后,让我们回到现实 2009年,我还没来到美国读书的时候,以为美国人都简单单纯,后来留学了才发现他们是小事糊涂大事非常较真。美国公司对于品牌文化的宣传是一种更加隐性更高段位的洗脑,而且不只是美国政府在洗,每个企业这方面也是做得杠杠的。这就类似于有些人以为只有大和传统的公司里才有办公室政治,其实硅谷的科技公司也有,Google里的内斗是出了名的,Facebook也有,只是轻了不少。   归根结底,有人的地方就有政治,不管是纸牌屋还是麻将桌。而如何最大限度地消除办公室政治,我准备在接下来的文章中阐述 Airbnb 的VP在First Round里的撰文。   如果你习惯微信,可以订阅我的公众号: qc_empire;当然我的知乎专栏:覃超帝国兴亡史- 在希望的田野上,也会一直同步更新。 *文章为作者独立观点,不代表HRTechChina立场  
  • 硅谷
    硅谷之外的思考:科技公司如何改变世界 编者按 : 克莱尔·霍夫(Claire Hough)是 在线学习平台 Udemy 的工程副总裁。   本周早些时候,众多科技巨头做了一件意义非凡的事情——他们携起手来共建一个更加美好的社会。   作为奥巴马总统提出的 ConnectHome 倡议 的合作伙伴,一批互联网服务提供商、创业公司和科技行业非营利组织,会携手将宽带接入服务扩大至 27.5 万生活在公共住房的低收入群体。随着科技已经成为我们日常生活的一部分,ConnectHome 项目应该会时刻提醒科技公司,他们有责任让尽可能多的人用到他们的产品。   按需经济的诞生重新定义了我们之前所认为的便捷性。实际上,只要你轻轻点击一下手机屏幕,你所能想到的一切东西都可以被召唤到你的身边——无论是快餐、生活用品,还是工作助理、交通工具。虽然这些服务已经改善了我们许多人的生活,但只有那些有钱负担或有机会访问到它们的人,才能从中获利。   《纽约时报》科技专栏作家法尔哈德·曼约奥(Farhad Manjoo)会经常谈到一个主题,即最近这次科技繁荣始终专注于改善少数人的生活质量,比如,他在 最新的专栏文章 中就讨论了点对点解决方案的价值。曼约奥对科技企业扩大产品生产规模的使命——为了让它们更便宜、被更多人所使用——始终抱着质疑态度,这种态度突出了硅谷在道德层面面临的两难局面。   虽然无数的创业公司因为迎合了硅谷少数富有阶层的需求而得到了快速发展,但科技公司的机遇仍然在于他们如何回报之前成就了他们的社区。   即便是今天,美国仍有数千万人无法上网,而全世界更是有一半的人不能上网——知道这一事实,肯定让人觉得很沮丧。我们的政府 已经认识到 ,宽带接入对我们的生活,就同水和电一样的重要。   网络连接可以给那些拥有这种能力的人带来极大的便利,这一点不言而喻;因此,拥有网络连接的人和没有网络连接的人,他们之间存在很大的差异。Facebook 首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)试图通过 Internet.org 将廉价的互联网服务推向全世界的人,这也是最引人注目的项目之一。   最好的解决办法其实就是确保一代人拥有公平的机会——这一代人越来越多地被打上了“日渐消失的中产阶级”的烙印。作为网络服务和第三方平台的受益者,科技企业应该携手努力,对各自的社区带来积极的影响,或是对整个世界带来更大的影响。   ConnectHome 项目也许就是“科技为社会谋福利”的最佳例证。这是一个公私合作项目,谷歌和 Cox 之类的互联网服务提供商均有参与,旨在将高速宽带接入提供给美国 27.5 万低收入群体。奥巴马总统在周三宣布推出了这个项目,因为他已经认识到那些无法访问互联网的人,在教育和就业方面所面临的诸多劣势。对于部分美国人来说,今后每个月的上网费用将只有 10 美元。ConnectHome 就是创业公司如何回馈社会的一个模板。   尽管如此,回馈社会并不限于政府项目。肖恩·帕克(Sean Parker)为他的同名基金会 自筹资金 6 亿美元 ,用以证明科技企业领导人可以给这个世界带来社会效益。由于对 Facebook 的投资,帕克已成为硅谷最富有、影响力最大的科技人士之一。帕克基金会不仅致力于解决像公民参与这样发生在我们身边的小事,而且还积极参与全球公共卫生和生物科技等重要课题。他希望充分利用自己在过去多年来形成的创业心态,对社会大规模变革带来积极贡献。   SurveyMonkey 之类的公司也在开发可以回报全社会的产品。SurveyMonkey Contribute 允许用户进行调查,然后获得慈善捐款以参与他们选择的慈善事业。到目前为止,SurveyMonkey Contribute 已经向无国界医生组织(Doctors Without Borders)、美国红十字会、美国人道协会(The Humane Society Of The United States)等慈善机构捐款 500 万美元。SurveyMonkey 的平台正系统性地向给予他们最大帮助的人以回报。   毫无疑问,我们正生活在一个创业的环境下——创业公司不应以服务于有活力的市场而感到羞耻。但这种经济上的刺激并不能免除他们让产品尽可能覆盖更多受众的责任。这些价值根本不必进行大范围宣扬,而是应该成为硅谷一种根深蒂固的文化。   我们在享受科技成果上具有优先权,但最终也迫使我们承担起更大的责任,而这种责任也伴随着我们每天享受到的优先权。   Think Outside The Valley: How Tech Companies Can Change The World  Claire Hough is a VP of Engineering at Udemy, an online learning marketplace. A handful of tech heavyweights did something remarkable earlier this week — they came together for the betterment of society.   As partners on President Obama’s ConnectHome initiative, internet service providers, startups, and tech nonprofits will expand broadband access to around 275,000 people living in public housing. As technology has become a part of our daily lives, ConnectHome should remind tech companies of their responsibility to make their products as accessible as possible.   The birth of the on-demand economy has redefined convenience as we know it. Virtually anything you can think of — dinner, groceries, work assistance, transportation — can be summoned to you in a single tap. While these services have improved the lives of many, only those who can afford or access them reap the benefits.   That the most recent tech boom has focused on improving the lives of the few is not lost on The New York Times’ Farhad Manjoo, who discussed the value of point-to-point solutions in a recent column. Manjoo’s skeptical take on tech companies’ mission to scale their products — making them cheaper and more accessible — underscores the moral dilemma Silicon Valley faces.   Although an endless number of startups has been enriched by catering to the Valley’s well-heeled residents, an opportunity remains for tech companies to give back to the community that made them.   Even today, it is disheartening to know tens of millions of people in the United States do not have access to the Internet, let alone over 50% of the world. Our government has recognized that broadband access is as vital to our lives as water or electricity.   It goes without saying online connectivity greatly advantages those who have it; hence, a wide disparity exists between those who have it and those who don’t. Mark Zuckerberg’s efforts to bring affordable basic Internet service to the world through Internet.org have been one of the most notable initiatives. It’s the best way to ensure equal opportunity for a generation increasingly defined by a disappearing middle class. As beneficiaries of online services and marketplaces, tech companies should work toward making a positive impact in their own communities or a greater impact in the world.   No program better exemplifies the “tech for good” mantra than , a public-private partnership with internet service providers like Cox and Google that will expand high-speed broadband access to 275,000 low-income Americans. President Obama announced the initiative on Wednesday, recognizing the disadvantages those without Internet access face when it comes to education and employment. For some Americans, broadband access will cost just $10 a month. ConnectHome is a model for how startups can give back.   Giving back isn’t limited to government initiatives, though. Sean Parker has self-funded his eponymous foundation to the tune of $600 million demonstrating the social good tech leaders can bring to the world. Parker, whose contributions to Facebook make him among Silicon Valley’s wealthiest, established the. Parker foundation to tackle not only nearby issues like civic engagement, but moonshots like global public health and biotech as well. He hopes to leverage the startup mentality he’s gained over the years to affect large-scale change.   Companies like SurveyMonkey are creating products designed to give back, too. SurveyMonkey Contribute lets users take surveys and be rewarded with a charitable donation to a participating charity of their choice. So far SurveyMonkey Contribute has raised over $5 million in donations to charities like Doctors Without Borders, American Red Cross, and The Humane Society Of The United States. SurveyMonkey’s platform is now organically giving back to those who need help the most.s   There’s no doubt that we’re living in an entrepreneurial environment — startups shouldn’t be shamed for serving viable markets. But that economic imperative doesn’t absolve them of their responsibility to make their products as accessible as possible. These values shouldn’t have to be preached; they should be engrained in Silicon Valley culture.   We are privileged to benefit from technology, and ultimately that obliges us to take on greater responsibility that comes with the privileges we enjoy every day.   来源:techcrunch
  • 硅谷
    澳大利亚线上顾问平台Expert360获得310万A轮融资 导语:这笔融资将会用于扩大其顾问支持团队,并且增加更多企业级服务。HRTechChina也报道过专注中小企业咨询的 “收费版知乎”的“答赏”,“答赏”是通过垂直领域的专业问答涉足在线咨询,为企业经营者提供解决问题方案的,致力打造最有价值的商业分享和人脉社区。国外方面,连接企业家和高级顾问和行业专家的Clarity也与之相类似。 澳大利亚Expert360是一家提供高端顾问服务的平台,近日该公司获得了410万澳元(约合310万美元)的A轮融资,领投方是Frontier Ventures风投公司。 这笔融资将会用于扩大其顾问支持团队,在研究、数据、以及其他知识产品方面提供服务。此外据Expert360联合创始人兼首席运营官Emily Yue透露,该融资还会用于Expert360增加更多企业级服务,一些从大企业退休的高管将会加入到Expert360的顾问人才团队,客户还能获得专属项目经理的支持。 据了解,目前全球顾问行业的市值已经达到了3500亿美元。 参与本轮投资的还有澳大利亚本土科技基金Rampersand,一批机构投资人,现有股东,和高净值投资人(比如Macquarie银行前任总经理Allan Moss AO)。本轮投资之后,Frontier Ventures风投创始人Dmitry Alimov将会加入到Expert360公司董事会。 Alimov说道,“线上顾问服务具有颠覆全球顾问行业的潜力,而Expert360则是此领域里的佼佼者。他们突破了传统的咨询顾问方法,利用科技的力量,全球互联,以及个体性专长,为客户提供优秀的解决方案。Expert360团队给我们留下了深刻印象,他们的执行力非常快,产品质量和发展轨迹也很不错。我们非常高兴能够重新回到线上顾问服务行业。我们的目标,就是帮助该公司的联合创始人和他们的团队,把这项事业推向新的。” Expert360公司成立于2013年,他们在全世界拥有超过4500名专业顾问,企业客户可以轻松地与旗下顾问联系,获得帮助。根据该公司官方信息,目前Expert360总部设在悉尼,在澳大利亚和东南亚拥有15名全职员工。 Bridget Loudon是该公司首席执行官兼联合创始人,她说道,“我们的公司愿景非常简单,就是希望利用科技的力量,帮助客户或是客户的项目得到优质的顾问服务,让他们能够随时随地的获得顾问价值。我们非常高兴,因为有一批非常棒的投资人帮助我们将Expert360推上一个新台阶。我们的领投方,Frontier Ventures风投,在全球市场有着丰富且有价值的专业经验,我们非常期待与他们合作。” Frontier Ventures是一家专门在全球新兴市场从事互联网领域投资的风投公司,他们主要关注东南亚和俄罗斯的消费互联网服务。该风投的投资组合包括亚洲餐厅预订平台Chope,俄罗斯线上视频公司ivi.ru,以及俄罗斯和独联体的线上企业服务平台profi.ru。本次对Expert360的投资,是他们第十笔线上服务平台类投资,也是他们在亚太地区的第二笔投资。     Frontier Ventures leads US$3.1M Series A round in Australia’s Expert360 Frontier Ventures has led an oversubscribed AU$4.1 million (US$3.1 million) round raised by Australian consulting marketplace Expert360.   The newly raised capital will see the company expand its support for consultants through access to research, data and other IP. The money will also be used to expand its enterprise services offerings so that executives in larger organisations can get instant access to a pool of consulting talent and support from a dedicated project manager, shared Expert360’s Co-founder and COO Emily Yue.   The global consulting industry is worth US$350 billion.   Co-investors in the round include Australian technology fund rampersand, institutional investors, existing shareholders, and high net worth individuals such as former Macquarie Bank MD Allan Moss AO.   Frontier Ventures Founder Dmitry Alimov will join the company’s Board of Directors.   Alimov said, “Expert360 is a leading marketplace for online consulting services with potential to disrupt a massive global industry. It breaks apart traditional consulting methodology by using the power of technology, global connectivity and individual expertise to provide superior client solutions. We are very impressed by the company’s team, its speed of execution, product quality and outstanding growth trajectory. We know online service marketplaces and we’re excited to back this one. Our goal is to help Bridget, Emily (Co-founders) and the Expert360 team take this business to a new level.”   Launched in 2013, Expert360 connects consultants with companies and has more than 4,500 independent consultants available from around the world. From an initial small team in Sydney, it now has 15 full-time employees across Australia and Southeast Asia, said an official release.   Bridget Loudon, CEO and Co-founder of Expert360 said, “Our vision is simple: it’s about harnessing technology to connect clients and their projects with great consultants, anywhere, anytime and in a way that delivers outstanding value for both parties. We’re extremely excited to have a great set of investors on board to help us take Expert360 to the next level. Our lead investor, Frontier Ventures, brings a wealth of global marketplace expertise that will be very valuable. We look forward to working with them.”   Frontier Ventures is a venture fund focussed on Internet investments in global emerging markets, with a main focus on consumer Internet services in Southeast Asia and Russia. Its portfolio includes Asia’s restaurant reservation platform Chope, Russia’s online video company ivi.ru and online marketplace business in Russia and CIS profi.ru. This investment marks the 10th online marketplace in Frontier Ventures’ portfolio and the fund’s second deal in the APAC region.   来自:e27
  • 硅谷
    废弃防火墙:Google决定不再区分内外网 Google在自身企业安全实践方面迈出了大胆的一步——不再将自身的企业应用置于防火墙等安全设备的保护之下,不再有内外网之分。 BeyondCorp计划:彻底打破内外网之别 Google的这项行动计划名为BeyondCorp。其基本假设是——内部网络实际上跟互联网一样危险,原因有两点: 1)一旦内网边界被突破,攻击者就很容易访问到企业内部应用。 2)现在的企业越来越多采用移动和云技术,边界保护变得越来越难。所以干脆一视同仁,不外区分内外网,用一致的手段去对待。 这种访问模式要求客户端是受控的设备,并且需要用户证书来访问。访问有通过认证服务器、访问代理以及单点登录等手段,由访问控制引擎统一管理,不同用户、不同资源有不同的访问权限控制,对于用户所处位置则没有要求。也就是说,无论用户在Google办公大楼、咖啡厅还是在家都是一样的访问方式,过去从外网访问需要的VPN已经被废弃。而所有员工到企业应用的连接都要进行加密,包括在办公大楼里面的访问。可以说,Google的这种模式已经彻底打破了内外网之别。 BeyondCorp含有很多组件,以保证必须是授权的设备和用户才能访问企业内网。 在这种模式下,信任关系从网络层面迁移到了设备层面。员工只能通过公司提供和管理的设备访问企业应用。Google还会跟踪发放给员工的这些计算机和移动设备的情况及变动。 用户安全认证方式 设备鉴权通过之后,接下来就是对用户的安全认证。Google用一个用户级群组数据库来跟踪管理所有的员工。这个数据库还会跟人力资源管理挂钩起来,员工的入职、离职或者调动均会引发数据库的相应改动。单点登录系统(SSO)则是用来跟用户数据库联动,以生成对特定资源的短期授权。 对用户或设备的访问级别也可以随时改变。比方说,如果某用户的操作系统未更新的话信任级别可能就会下降。同样的,不同型号的手机的受信任级别也会不一样。而如果员工突然在此前没见过的位置访问企业应用的,可能会拒绝他访问某些资源。 目前Google正在进行移植工作,最终目标是整个公司都采用这一模式。相对于大部分企业的安全管理来说,Google的这种模式的确有些惊世骇俗,但无疑代表了未来的企业安全方向。据知可口可乐、威瑞森通信、马自达汽车公司也在逐渐的采用类似的方式。 本文参考了多个信息来源:static.googleusercontent.com、blogs.wsj.com、36kr
  • 硅谷
    HackerRank近日获得七百五十万美元投资 [caption id="attachment_8176" align="alignnone" width="720"] Tech Hiring Matchmaker HackerRank Draws $7.5M From Global HR Firm[/caption] HackerRank近日获得七百五十万美元投资 程序员招聘竞赛平台HackerRank近日宣布从日本人力资源巨头Recruit获得七百五十万美元投资。HackerRank让应聘者在线完成真实项目的编程挑战,从而来为企业筛选出能力优秀、符合招聘需求的技术人员。HackerRank的联合创始人兼首席执行官Vivek Ravisankar表示, Recruit成为股东将有助于HackerRank扩展在亚太地区的业务。Recruit可以成为HackerRank在亚太地区企业和应聘者的入口。 去年11月有报道国内有一家Hackerrank 的平台: HackerRank模式的中国尝试者:oxcoder让程序猿在线完成项目挑战来帮企业做招聘笔试 http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/4383 原文来自: http://www.xconomy.com/san-francisco/2015/07/14/tech-hiring-matchmaker-hackerrank-draws-7-5m-from-global-hr-firm/ HackerRank, which hosts online competitions that help programmers flaunt their skills to potential employers like Amazon and Quora, said today it has landed a $7.5 million investment from the funding arm of Japan-based human resources giant Recruit. The new alliance with Recruit will help Palo Alto, CA-based HackerRank scale up its business in the Asia Pacific region, CEO and co-founder Vivek Ravisankar says. Recruit could be HackerRank’s gateway to both employers and job candidates in that part of the world, he says. HackerRank counts as customers more than a thousand employers such as Walmart, Bloomberg, and Morgan Stanley, which pay for access to programmers who score high in HackerRank’s online coding challenges, Ravisankar says. All have made at least one hire facilitated by HackerRank, he says. Recruit itself is not a client—yet. “I think we’ll get them soon,” Ravisankar (pictured above) says. Ravisankar and his co-founder Harishankaran Karunanidhi, who started the company in 2012, want to change the way tech workers and employers find each other. Under traditional staff search processes, tech applicants send their resumes into the “black hole” of company hiring departments, while recruiters spend hours sifting through resumes to find good prospects, Ravisankar says. Employers may then spend weeks doing interviews to try to gauge the applicants’ actual technical abilities. HackerRank’s competitions are designed to speed up that process, and open opportunities to people regardless of their gender, race, location, or the prestige of their university degrees. Hackers can log in to the site to improve their skills, compete in challenges, and gain rankings across a range of specific areas such as algorithms, machine learning, and streamlining code. For employers looking to hire skilled new tech team members, it’s kind of like consulting a Moneyball analysis of programmers, Ravisankar says. “They’re getting to talk to high-quality candidates from the start,” Ravisankar says. HackerRank has screened more than a million developers over the last couple of years, he says. More than 150,000 active programmers used the site over the past month. In addition to the chance of getting a job offer, hackers can win cash prizes or tech toys such as GoPro cameras, drones, and laptops by performing well in the contests. HackerRank has built a reputation as “the go-to community for tech talent analysis,” HR Technology Fund president Chihiro Ueda said in a statement about the Recruit fund’s investment in the startup. “As the demand for technology talent continues to outstrip supply, HackerRank offers an efficient way for HR professionals to evaluate talent beyond traditional means.’’ The Recruit fund’s investment brings HackerRank’s total fundraising to $17 million. The company’s earlier financial backing came from Y Combinator, Khosla Ventures, and Battery Ventures, among other investors. Ravisankar says HackerRank’s competitors include companies such as San Francisco-based recruiting software company Gild. Gild compiles profiles of working professionals from dozens of sites, and helps employers find those who best match their needs. HackerRank’s clients include small to medium-sized businesses as well as larger enterprises, Ravisankar says. The company charges fees of $5,000 to $10,000 a year, per user, depending on the extra features clients want to add. These include CodePair, a skills-testing tool employers can use during the interview process. HackerRank also enables companies to set up their own hacker challenges on their websites’ career landing pages. Ravisankar says he expects HackerRank’s revenues to reach “the double-digits of millions of dollars” in the next three to four months. The company may double its current staff size of 120 within a year, he says. HackerRank is one of a growing number of online forums where programmers can demonstrate their computer science skills, outside the academic credentialing system of degrees from accredited colleges and universities. For example, Utah-based online learning company Pluralsight offers skills tests through its divisionSmarterer, and hackers can showcase their work on tech projects throughGitHub. HackerRank is also making inroads into the academic system. Professors at 74 colleges are using HackerRank’s challenge infrastructure at no charge to set programming tasks for their students, rather than posting the assignments via e-mail, downloading each student’s work, and computing the rankings themselves. Once the classroom service becomes better known, HackerRank will market it as a product to colleges and universities, Ravisankar says. But HackerRank will remain an avenue of opportunity for people who have never earned a degree, says Ravisankar. The company’s core mission is to create a meritocratic route to tech employment, he says. Fees will never be charged to hackers entering one of the company’s coding contests, he says. “They will never pay,” Ravisankar says. “It will always be free forever.”
  • 硅谷
    微软收购现场服务管理软件公司FieldOne 微软近日已收购了现场活动管理软件公司FieldOne,但具体交易金额并未透露。4个月前,两家公司刚刚达成数年的合作协议,将微软的客户关系管理(CRM)与企业资源规划(ERP)套件Microsoft Dynamics 与FieldOne 的工具进行打包销售。   微软在声明中称,现场服务管理是客户服务的一个特殊但至关重要的领域,可为企业提供端到端的现场服务支持。对于寻求通过现场服务改进对最终客户的响应性的企业来说,这是一个独特的变革点。微软认为,这样的现场管理是电话或别的渠道无法解决的。   在这方面,成立于2001年的FieldOne提供了工单管理、自动调度、资产合同、存货及采购管理、工作流管理以及移动协作等现场服务管理的一整套解决方案,可以为企业改善端到端的客户服务提供各项所需的功能。FieldOne的平台可部署于本地数据中心或者云端,拥有移动、桌面等客户端。其客户包括Climatec、三菱-日立电力系统、卡尔蔡司等。   对于微软来说,收购FieldOne可以拓展其Dynamics企业套件的业务领域,增强微软解决方案的差异化优势。比方说FieldOne的软件可以跟微软的分析技术和Cortana个人助手以及Azure IoT物联网技术结合,把被动式的问题响应变成预测性服务支持,进一步提升客户服务感知。甚至日后凭借着软件巨头的地位建立起现场服务管理软件的新标准—目前这个领域仍然鱼龙混杂,各家都有各自的解决方案,但微软有可能借自己的影响力来推进相关领域的标准达成。   对FieldOne的收购只是微软强化企业解决方案提供能力的一部分,此前微软还收购了Aorato、Datazen以及Revolution Analytics等企业服务类公司。   来源呢:36氪,作者:boxi