ADP Reports Second Quarter Fiscal 2021 Results
• Revenues increased 1% to $3.7 billion; raising full year guidance to up 1% to 3%
• Employer Services New Business Bookings decreased 7%; raising full year guidance to up 15% to 25%
• Net earnings decreased 1% to $648 million, and adjusted net earnings decreased 1% to $650 million
• Adjusted EBIT decreased 1% to $848 million, and adjusted EBIT margin declined 30 basis points to 22.9%
• Diluted earnings per share ("EPS") increased by 1% to $1.51 for the quarter; adjusted diluted EPS flat at $1.52
• Guidance raised on strong first half performance and improved outlook for remainder of fiscal 2021; raising full
year bookings, retention, revenue, margin, and EPS guidance
- 营收增长1%至37亿美元;将全年指导性目标上调至增长1%至3%。
- 雇主服务新业务预订量下降7%;将全年指导性目标上调至增长15%至25%。
- 净利润下降1%至6.48亿美元,调整后净利润下降1%至6.5亿美元。
- 调整后EBIT下降1%至8.48亿美元,调整后EBIT利润率下降30个基点至22.9%。
- 本季度每股摊薄收益("EPS")增长1%,至1.51美元;调整后摊薄后EPS持平于1.52美元。
- 上半年业绩强劲,2021财年剩余时间前景改善,上调指导价;
ADP总裁兼首席执行官Carlos Rodriguez说:“随着经济活动继续向积极趋势发展,我们的势头在本季度继续增强。在整个疫情中,我们的员工为我们的客户提供了优质的服务,创新的精神推动了客户的满意度产品和一流的服务已实现了历史最高的保留率,我们再次很高兴提高所有关键业务指标的全年展望,并且我们对疫苗接种工作的进展和全球的发展前景充满热情经济复苏。”
“我们很高兴今年迄今已为Employer Services交付了新的业务订单,几乎与去年上半年在疫情影响之前达到的数量相符。强劲的销售和创纪录的客户保留率使本季度的收入稳步增长,加上我们各个部门的持续成本控制,即使我们加快了增长投资并克服了与就业和利率相关的持续不利因素,我们仍然能够实现超出预期的调整后每股收益。” ,ADP。“凭借强大的销售渠道以及协调一致的产品和营销工作,我们对下半年新业务的大幅增长充满信心。”
PEO服务– PEO服务提供全面的就业管理外包解决方案。与去年第二季度相比:
• PEO服务收入增长5%
• PEO Services支付的平均现场员工人数下降2%,至约571,000
• PEO服务部门的利润率提高了100个基点
客户持有资金的利息– ADP客户资金的安全性,流动性和多样化是公司投资策略的首要目标。客户资金是根据ADP谨慎而保守的投资准则进行投资的,大多数投资组合被评为AAA / AA。与去年第二季度相比:
ADP收购Marcus Buckingham 的TMBC公司以扩大人才投资组合
这个收购大家关注的不多,但是其实可以关注下~ 人力资源数据管理和咨询服务,更加凸显!
TMBC的创始人,Marcus Buckingham 可是大名鼎鼎的人物啊!著名商业思想家、畅销书作家!发现你的优势!打破一切常规!
ADP has acquired The Marcus Buckingham Company (TMBC), an innovator in human capital management (HCM), to bring to ADP clients a more scientific approach to employee engagement and performance. TMBC, and its founder Marcus Buckingham, are pioneers in using data and research to drive talent management practices that help managers build engagement and increase performance in their teams. Their unique approach empowers managers to coach employees based on their strengths and custom-design teams based on those strengths.
TMBC's cloud-based performance and talent management solution, StandOut, couples applications with coaching and education to give team leaders the tools, insights and data needed to turn talent into better employee performance. Built on decades of groundbreaking research that has uncovered the factors that differentiate high-performing teams, this solution will now be offered as ADP StandOut. TMBC has a global client roster that spans a broad range of industries from professional services to hospitality and includes many companies in the Fortune 100.
"At its core, the strength and differentiation of any company lies in its talent," said Carlos Rodriguez, president and CEO, ADP. "That is why we are continuing to invest in data-driven talent management solutions with the acquisition of TMBC. The company's technology and renowned research will add to our existing talent portfolio and puts ADP in a position to better serve the growing number of innovative organizations who are thinking differently about how they manage and engage their talent. We are thrilled to welcome both TMBC's associates and Marcus into the ADP family."
According to the Deloitte Global Human Capital Management Trends 2016 report1, 77 percent of executives say that people analytics are a priority, but only 29 percent think that they are successfully using outside data to predict workforce trends and target the right talent to meet those trends. With that in mind, the acquisition of TMBC helps ADP further deliver on its talent management strategy of helping companies build better workforces through the strategic use of data and research.
Marcus Buckingham is a noted author and speaker and has been featured as a thought leader on talent management and leadership trends in a range of outlets that span The Harvard Business Review and Forbes to Oprah and Larry King.
"In the world of people-at-work, everyone trusts ADP data, so I leapt at the chance to bring to the ADP ecosystem StandOut's data-based insights and tools on people's talents, engagement and performance," said Marcus Buckingham, co-head, the ADP Research Institute. "At a time when so many companies are clamoring for real-time and reliable people data, when they crave tools that leaders and team members actually want to use, the combination of ADP's scale, security and data-integrity with StandOut's focus on real-world teams, is unique and powerful. I'm so excited to see how many companies and people we can serve."
ADP has helped organizations of all types and sizes for more than 60 years unlock the potential of their workforces. ADP's cloud-based talent portfolio -- which includes recruiting, recruiter training, outsourcing, screening and selection, onboarding, learning, goals, performance, data analytics, succession and compensation -- is expanded in breadth and depth with TMBC's technology, consulting and research.
For more information, visit
硅谷酷公司:原Zenpayroll-硅谷独角兽公司(Gusto)竟然上班不让穿鞋?!文/硅谷密探 本文得到官方授权,转载需获得原始授权
| 硅谷密探—生动的硅谷|
员工每年都能获得一张飞往地球上任意地点的机票(Golden Ticket),来一场说走就走的旅行。
这家神奇的公司做的是风口上Software as service (SaaS)业务,今年营收预计可以翻10倍。
更酷炫的是他们是Y Combinator企业孵化器的创业项目,也是第一家同时获得Google Captial和Google Venture投资的公司。
本期侦查:Gusto (Zenpayroll)
Why Gusto?
说到Gusto,不得不说它的曾用名是Zenpayroll。说实话,它的改名挺令人吃惊的,因为Zenpayroll这个名字其实很好(据CEO说是去YC Demo Day前一天晚上想出来的)。拜乔布斯所赐,Zen(禅)一直在硅谷很流行,而以Zen开头的公司发展得都不错,比如Zendesk上市了,Zenefits也是冉冉升起的新星。
Gusto这个词来自西班牙语,是美味的,兴致勃勃的意思,也常用在食物上。官方解释是说Gusto是着眼于未来,一方面Gusto将拓展除了薪资管理(payroll)外的其他业务,另一方面希望Gusto能给客户带来愉悦的感觉, 他们的宗旨是Delightfuly Modern Payroll(令人愉悦的时尚薪资管理软件,这是打ADP的脸吗?),我暗自猜想也有可能是因为CEO是吃货。
Gusto 致力于为用户提供简单快捷的薪资管理服务,目前主要服务对象是中小企业,包括科技初创公司、餐馆和杂货店等等。
Joshua Reeves CEO & Co-Founder
Edward Kim CTO & Co-Founder
Tomer London CPO & Co-Founder
三位创始人都是斯坦福毕业生,都是连续创业者,CEO Joshua Reeves创立Zenpayroll前是Unwarp的CEO和co-founder,而其他两位之前都是Y Combinator毕业公司的创始人。Tomer London 入选 2013年 Inc 评选的30位30岁以下创业者。Edward Kim 之前则是Android的明星开发者,他开发的Car Locator等Android APP已经给他带来百万美元收入。
最值得一说的当然是CEO Joshua Reeves,他2013年入选福布斯30位30岁以下创业者,他当年为Zenpayroll募集了六百万种子轮资金,投资人都是巨头 Box CEO Aaron Levie, Yammer CEO David Sacks, Dropbox CEO Drew Houston, YouTube cofounder Jawed Karim, Yelp CEO Jeremy Stoppelman, Badgeville CEO Kris Duggan, SugarCRM CEO Larry Augustin, 和 Zuora CEO Tien Tzuo. 除了一些是老相识和斯坦福校友,比如Aaron Levie(他们一起入选30 under 30,公司办公室也在一起),他还有一个融资秘诀,就是让投资人推荐两三个其他投资人,当然是找看好你的投资人推荐,否则适得其反。对Joshua感兴趣的同学可以看看他在斯坦福的演讲(,反复强调创业是场马拉松。
Gusto一个核心文化就是透明,这个透明不是停留在纸面上,而是落实在各个方面,除了前文提到的对员工公开所有内部的商业数据和财务资料,Gusto还有每周的AMA(Ask Me Anything,自由提问)会议。透明还表现在招聘流程中,招聘过程中除了会提供给应聘者面试官名单,应聘者还可以申请获得面试官的评价和反馈。让面试者又爱有恨的一点就是,如果Gusto收集前一轮反馈结果不好的时候,还会告诉面试者并提前结束面试。
另外一个核心文化就是要有主人翁意识(ownership)。举个例子,Gusto并没有单独的测试团队,工程师自己写测试,自己负责代码的质量,当然也要code review。不过在创业公司要有主人翁意识也往往意味着要经常加班。
Gusto现在大概300员工,工程师40多人。总体的感觉是Gusto是一家有明确愿景的公司,虽然Gusto今年营收增长了10倍,但是作为一个连续创业者创办的公司,Gusto做事情不紧不慢,这和CEO Joshua的观点一致,他认为创业是一场马拉松。
A轮: 2000万美元, 2014年2月
B轮: 6000万美元, 2015年4月
点击客户端的Run Payroll ( 薪资管理 )。你会发现Gusto使用了小箭头来提示你第一步要做什么,并附上了一个便利贴“是时候让你的员工开心开心了,当然,还有让政府也开心一下。”不忘调戏下政府将会收税,果然是年轻公司的心态。
还可以集成其他Time Card(时间卡)工具或者手动输入度假和病假天数,两种假期的付薪情况是不一样的。
Gusto也非常注重数据安全,Gusto除了传统的加密,物理备份,异步验证,入侵检测,据说Gusto还邀请Cyber Secruity的来hack他们的系统。
硅谷密探这个非神秘组织,由硅谷已经蔓延至洛杉矶、波士顿、费城、纽约、伦敦、米兰、瑞士、台北、北京、上海、深圳……如果你也喜欢写点科技文章,想传递生动的硅谷价值,交一群热爱科技的朋友,请在本文章末扫码,加群或留言都可以 :)
“大家好,我是密探卢毅,左手写程序,右手编段子,读过人工智能博士,喜欢历史,现居旧金山,口头禅是‘无欲则刚’和‘Make a difference’。”
Gusto目前的商业模式比较简单,靠收取服务费。收费标准是这样的:使用 Gusto 服务的公司首先每月需要支付 29 美元,然后每位员工每月再支付 6 美元。举个例子,如果一家公司有 5个人,那么公司每月需要支付的费用总和为:29+(5×6)=59 美元。而竞争对手ADP和Intuit等的收费大概是两到三倍。
Gusto正筹备进军企业职工福利(benefit)业务,其中最赚钱的医疗保险业务(health insurance borkers & agent)已经在加州开展,而这一块的领跑者Zenefits,虽然创业才两年,但是已经估值45亿美元。
在美国有600万的公司需要发放工资单,其中40%的公司仍旧用原始的人工方式管理工资单,三分之一的公司因为工资单的相关错误遭到罚款。 而ADP、Intuit和Paychex就将近占据500亿美元的市场份额,粗略估计便知这是一片超千亿美元的市场。
根据Aite Group的调查数据,2012年到2016年,美国薪资管理和预付费市场逐年递增,年平均增长率高达19.9%. 而到2016年,薪资管理将达到626亿美元,预付费市场将达到1060亿美元。真的是个千亿级市场啊。所以,这些做企业服务的公司有着十几亿乃至几十亿美元的估值也就没那么奇怪了。
1. 老牌服务商 ADP、Intuit 和Paycheck
ADP 创立于1949年,总部在新泽西,主要客户是大中型企业,服务全面而广。
Intuit 创立于1983年,总部在加州,主要客户是大中型企业。
Paychek 创立于1971年总部纽约,主要客户是中小型企业。
如果是一个5人的公司,Gusto收费是$59每月,而Intuit的收费是$89。 一个10人的公司,Gusto收费是$89,而Intuit的收费是$99, 而且Intuit还有繁杂的额外收费项目,而ADP和Paychex的价格不详,有消息称每月至少$115。
除了在价格有优势,Gusto能够为用户提供更便宜和简单的服务。用户只需 10 分钟时间便可在网站或者移动端上完成注册并使用,所有操作都是基于网页或APP,老少皆宜的交互界面和通俗易懂的操作,大大简化了处理流程,减少了中小企业的人力成本。而这些传统薪资管理(Payroll)领域的巨头的产品往往服务费更高,用户体验极其差,而且流程繁琐,甚至有些对用户有技术门槛。
2. Zenefits 新兴独角兽
Zenefits提供免费的人力资源管理平台(human resource hub),可以集成各种Payroll服务,自己也提供免费的payroll 服务,但是功能太简单。Zenefits和Gusto的竞争将主要集中于员工福利业务,Zenefits的用户通过Zenefits购买保险和其他人力资源管理服务,Zenefits赚取中介费用。而Gusto将进入这个领域直接和Zenefits竞争。
最大的缺点是Gusto需要提前4 - 6天存入工资。
掐架! ADP周二向竞争对手Zenefits发起诽谤诉讼
此文为HRTechChina编辑部编译, 欢迎个人转发分享。公众号,单位如需转载,请备注作者以及出处。如对HRTech方面有自己的见解、作品以及资讯,也欢迎大家投稿至
创业公司Zenefits目前获得巨大胜利,北加州地区的美国地方法院驳回了ADP的诉讼。根据和解条款,ADP 声明它相信 Zenefits 软件的安全性不存在问题,而Zenefits 则表明ADP 没有不道德的行为。
持续数月之久的官司最终以和解告一段落。这场争端始于 6月。有着50年历史的老牌公司ADP在6月份切断了Zenefits 小型企业客户使用ADP工资单系统,停止与Zenefits共享数据。ADP 指出它切断 Zenefits 是出于安全考虑:zenefits没有做好个人身份识别信息的保护工作,如社会保障号码。
作为反击,Zenefits 在其发布的一篇博客文章中指责 ADP 切断服务是因为他们推出了一款具有竞争性的产品。随后ADP 起诉 Zenefits 及其创始人康拉德 · 帕克,并在同一天推出一个名为 Opum 的服务和zenefits竞争。今年7月,Zenefits 称ADP 的诉讼无关紧要,并呼吁对方撤诉。曾经参与庭审的人员,如一个法官在 9月份说到 ADP 明显没有证据表明zenefits诽谤,以及唯一的问题是"诉讼将是缓慢的死亡还是快速的死亡"。
如今在法庭上,法官支持 Zenefits。
我们很高兴在法律上取得了胜利,不过相比之下,我们是更欣慰的是现在可以继续前进,专注于服务我们的小企业客户,"康拉德说在一次新闻发布会上说道,"有时,这可能意味着与 ADP竞争,而其他时候也可能意味着与 ADP 的合作。不管在什么情况下,我们(Zenefits)的目标始终致力于使HR管理这一辛苦的工作变得更轻松更少痛苦。
"双方争论的核心是指控质疑我们的道德和诚信,"ADP 在 给techcrunch 的一封电子邮件中如是说,"这些(诚信和道德)对ADP来说意义重大, 也是我们(企业)文化的核心。我们衷心希望 Zenefits能收回他们发表的毫无根据的公开声明。如果他们满足我们这一需求,我们会撤回诉讼。
ADP Drops Lawsuit Against Human Resources Startup Zenefits
The legacy payroll company ADP on Tuesday dropped its defamation lawsuit against its quickly growing competitor, Zenefits.
In a major victory for the startup, a U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California dismissed the lawsuit with prejudice. Per the terms of the settlement, ADP stated it has no reason to believe problems exist with the security of Zenefits software. Zenefits said on the record it had no reason to believe ADP is unethical.
The settlement brings a months-long legal battle to a close. The dispute began in June when ADP, a 50-year-old payroll company, cut off Zenefits small business clients who were sharing data with the cloud-based startup from ADP’s RUN payroll system. ADP stated that it blocked Zenefits due to security concerns because the company was not doing enough to protect personal identifying information, like Social Security Numbers.
Zenefits fired back with a blog post accusing ADP of cutting off the service because they were rolling out a competing product. ADP then sued Zenefits and its founder Parker Conrad, but on the same day launched a competing service called Opum. In July, Zenefits called ADP’s lawsuit frivolous and called for it to be dismissed. According to those in the courtroom, a judge in September said it was clear ADP had no defamation claim, and the only question was whether the “lawsuit will die a slow death or a fast death.”
Today in court, the judge sided with Zenefits.
“While we are gratified by this legal victory, we are more pleased that we now can move forward and focus on serving our small business customers,” Conrad said in a news release. “At times, this may mean competing with ADP, and at times, it may mean working with ADP. In either case, we at Zenefits are committed to making the hard work of administering HR as effortless and painless as possible.”
ADP said in a statement that the settlement would allow them to put the case with Zenefits behind them.
“At the core of our dispute were accusations that questioned our ethics and integrity,” ADP said in an email to TechCrunch. “These are meaningful values to ADP and core to our culture. All we have ever wanted was for Zenefits to retract the baseless public statements they made. We withdrew the lawsuit after Zenefits satisfied that demand.”